ADRC Pilot Evaluation

HCBS Strategies worked with the Nebraska State Unit on Aging (SUA) as the evaluator for the State’s ADRC pilot. The State contracted with three Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) teams, seven AAAs in total, to develop and pilot ADRCs in Nebraska. HCBS Strategies worked with these sites to determine the qualities of the program activities implemented and the effectiveness in meeting or addressing the program goals and objectives. As a result of the pilot efforts, the Nebraska State Legislature has agreed to fund the statewide ADRC effort on an ongoing basis. HCBS Strategies produced three evaluation reports that can be found below:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

ADRC and AAA Medicaid Administrative Claiming

The Nebraska SUA has contracted with HCBS Strategies to develop and implement infrastructure to support drawing down federal financial participation (FFP) through Medicaid administrative claiming. In addition to developing the infrastructure, HCBS Strategies will conducting training and overseeing all aspects of the ongoing administrative claiming.

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